Mission Statement
The Booster Club mission is to foster and support amateur athletes for national and/or international gymnastics, while educating both competitors and the public about competitive gymnastics; and to promote the education and health of youth and the prevention of delinquency through the sport of gymnastics.

Tax Status
The Booster Club is a non-profit organization as described in the IRS Code Section 501(c)3. Generally, contributions to the Booster Club, other than booster fees, are tax deductible. Please check with your tax professional for additional information..

USAG Membership
The Booster Club is the sponsoring organization for your gymnast. Gymnasts must be registered for competition each year with USAGymnastics. The team reps will send out an information letter along with the form that needs to be filled out. The completed forms, along with the fee will be due to your team rep. in August. Look for more information in your team mailbox.

Specific questions or comments may be made by email by referring to the Board Members page where emails are listed.

Please email for general questions or comments about this website [email protected]




© Copyright 2004 Hocking Valley Gymnastics Boosters
All rights and media reserved